On Freedom is one of a series of theme books compiled from the talks, writings, and dialogues of J.Krishnamurti. Some of the other titles in this series are On God, On Relationship ‘On Fear’, On Living Dying and On Love and Loneliness. ‘To me, freedom is absolutely necessary-freedom at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end-and that freedom is denied when I carry a problem over to the next day. This means that I have not only to discover how the problem arises, but also how to end it completely, surgically, so that there is no repetition, no carrying over of the problem, no feeling that I will think about it and find the answer tomorrow. If I carry the problem over to the next day, I have provided the soil in which the problem takes root, and then the pruning of that problem becomes still another problem.’ About the Author: J. Krishnamurti was a world-renowned spiritual teacher who, for more than fifty years, shared his message with people of all ages, races and backgrounds. He wrote many books, including First and Last Freedom, Freedom from the Known and Last Talks at Saanen 1985.