A conversation with Srila Prabhupada
A series of meetings with Srila Prabhupada transforms the life of a Peace Corps worker in India.
In 1972, Bob Cohen, a science teacher in the Peace Corps, began a search for spiritual enlightenment that took him the length and breadth of India. Here is the transcript of his life-transforming meetings with Srila Prabhupada in the holy village of Mayapur, India, the birthplace of Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
Perfect Questions Perfect Answers is a true account of conversations between A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami and Bob Cohen, a peace corps worker in India.
A search for meaning carries a young Peace corps worker halfway around the world, to an ancient city in the midst of West Bengal.
There in a small bamboo house in the holy land of Mayapur, he finds himself at the feet of one of India's greatest saintly teachers, a teacher who seems to tell him everything he ever wanted to know...
A series of questions with personal responses by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, giving a clear, logical, scientific, above all elese satisfying and yet amazingly lucid responses as answers.
These conversations removed any obscurity from Bob's spiritual life and so you too can follow them, as they always remain realistic, clear and exciting. A classic account of timeless inquiry.
Perfect questions with perfect answers. Simple.