This book is based on the simple principles of traditional horary astrology culled from classical works. This book is a guide to arrive at accurate answers to specific questions and situations concerning: marriage, children, surgery, loss and gain of articles, money, travel, fulfillment of objectives, business ventures and employment. An excellent tool to make difficult decisions, Prasna astrology is brought to the reader in an easy to assimilate graded text.
Practical Horary Astrology based on the simple principles of traditional horary astrology culled from classical works, this book is a guide to arrive at accurate answers to specific questions and situations concerning : Marriage, Children, Surgery, Loss and Gain of articles, Money, Travel abroad, Fulfilment of objectives, Business ventures, Employment. This simple but very practical volume outlines the proper method of casting and interpreting Hindu Horary astrology (Prashna) charts. Table of Contents:
Preface to the 1st edition; Preface to the 4th edition, Foreword by B.V. Raman. 1. Branches of astrology; 2. Keys to the signs; 3. Keys to houses; 4. Keys to the planets; 5. Keys to planets in signs; 6. Aspects; 7. Reconciling yogas & Tajaka aspects; 8. Question data; 9. How to ask questions; 10. Significations, malefics & benefics; 11. How to read aspects; 12. The role of the moon & the 11th house; 13. Some exceptions; 14. Timing events; 15. Bhava, combustion, nodes & retrogressions; 16. Practical illustrations.