The original epic of Ramayan has been the “Valmiki Ramayan”. In the thirteenth century, “Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya” was composed by Acharya Madhva. The section in this work that includes the complete history and the right interpretation of the original epic of Ramayana is called “Madhva Ramayana”. “Sangraha Ramayan” is the summary in a concise form of both Valmiki Ramayan and Madhva Ramayan. This work is originally in Sanskrit language composed by Shri Narayana Panditacharya nearly 700 years back. This has been one of the finest works composed in the world of Sanskrit literature. It caters to audience seeking various tastes – be it poetry, history, story or the right spiritual knowledge.
This work was translated into Kannada in the year 1959 by Shri Bannanje Govindacharya. The popularity of this book led to repeat publications. Now, with an objective of spreading this right interpretation of Ramayana for a larger audience, the work has been translated into Hindi by Prof. N. Nagappa. So, this “Sangraha Ramayana is the Hindi version of the original Sanskrit work.
About the Author:
Shri Bannanje Govindacharya is a Sanskrit scholar and philosopher who has composed a large number of works in Sanskrit and Kannada. Shri Acharya’s audio CDs in India and abroad has been very popular for their simplicity. Shri Acharya is known for disseminating the most complex concepts in a language that can be understood by every common person. His dream has always been to bring Science and philosophy on a common platform for people to understand easily and thereby putting them into practice in everyday life. Shri N. Nagappa is a retired Hindi Professor from Mysore University, in India who has had a distinguished career as an academician and scholar. Prof. Nagappa has a large number of books and publications to his credit.