This book consists of two separately bound parts. In Part I, 898 flower-significances identified by the Mother, arranged thematically in twelve chapters. For each of the 898 flowers, the Mother's significance is given, her comment on the significance, the botanical name of the flower, and its colour or colours. Quotations from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother accompany many significances as an aid to understanding them. 630 colour photographs help to identify the flowers and bring out their beauty.The second part is a 138-page reference volume containing indexes, glossaries, descriptions of the flowers and other information. The three indexes make it possible to locate the flowers in Part I by the Mother's significance, the botanical name and the common name. The two glossaries--one of botanical terms, the other of philosophical and psychological terms--define the technical terms in the book. The largest section, "Descriptions of the Flowers", provides detailed descriptions and full botanical information about the flowers. There is also a note on the symbolism of colours. About the Author:
The Mother met the Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry, South India in 1914, where she settled permanently in 1920. When the Sri Aurobindo Ashram was founded in 1926, Sri Auronindo placed her in charge of it. She also established a school, the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, in 1952, and the International Township Auroville in 1968. The Mother passed away in 1973.