The book has been written as per the syllabus of Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi.
First part of the book has covered the Topics included in the syllabus of second year, undergraduate students of Ayurveda. At the same time the basic concepts of Ayurvedic Pathology are explained in a simpler way to make them understandable for the students of other pathies. All the aspects about Disease described in Ayurveda are covered. They include contributory factors, various stages, prognosis, complications and classification of diseases. The important and unique concept of Ayurveda regarding vital essence (Ojas) and body resistance (Vyadhi-kshamatwa) is also covered. The concept of "Srotas" and "Dosha-gati" is explained.
The base of General pathology according to Ayurveda, which is called as "Nidan-panchak" is described in detail. Ayurvedic concepts of examination of disease and patient are also explained.
Second part of the book has covered the topics included in the syllabus of second year, undergraduate students of Ayurveda. The various Diseases are described in detail system-wise, in such a way, to make (hem understandable for the students of other pathies also.
While describing the diseases system-wise, all aspects about each and every disease are covered. They include Anatomy & Physiology of that system and etiology, pathogenesis, signs & symptoms, complications, after effects, signs of severity, prognosis, Differential Diagnosis of each and every disease. A separate chapter for "Vata-Vyadhi" has been included. The diagrammatic representation of Ayurvedic concept of Pathogenesis of a disease is given whenever possible. The differential diagnosis which is a confusing topic for the students is also dealt with. The investigations necessary for the diagnosis of a disease are also given whenever possible. About the Author:
Prof. Dr. Rekha N. Jainis formerly head of Department of Pathology and Rognidan at Tilak Ayurveda College Pune she has also been a member of the board of studies at Pune University presently Prof. Jain is working as examiner for Graduate and post Graduate courses in Pune University and is also a research guide to MD and Ph D students in the same University. Prof. Jain has the honor of being guest speaker at institutes and colleges in USA and Mauritius and has also arranged workshops for foreign students.
Dr. Nandkumar Y. Thite graduated in Ayurveda with distinction in pathology & Medicine in 1972 and secured MBBS degree in 1979 both from Pune University Dr. Thite has been teaching the subject Rogavijnan to post graduate students for the last 13 years at Tilak an examiner for Rogavijnan Vikritivijjan subject in Pune University Dr. Thite has participated in many National & International conferences of Ayurveda as well as transfusion Medicine Dr. Thite has been working as medical officer at Indian Red Cross society’s Blood bank for the last 23 years.