It contains 37 lectures and talks of Rama. All these deal with the various aspects of Vedanta in an appealing and attractive manner. Contents: - Part I—Cosmic Consciousness: How to Realize it
- The Path of Truth
- The Spiritual Law of Character
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- True Spirituality and the Psychic Powers
- The Sacred Syllable OM
- God Within
- The Way to Self-Realization
- Some Objections in the way of Self-Realization
- Some Obstacles in the way of Self-Realization
- I am all Light
- Be not centre out
- Soham
- Aids to Realization: Pranayam
- Aids to Realization: The Ideal of Shiva
- Aids to Realization: The Secret of Rest
- Aids to Realization: Lecture to Yourself
- Important Questions on Vedanta—I
- Important Questions on Vedanta—II
- Part II—The Spirit of Religion
- The Goal of Religion
- Religion
- Is a Particular Society needed?
- The Brotherhood of Man
- The Spirit of Yajna
- Criticism and Universal Love
- Reincarnation and Family ties
- Part III—Forest Talks
- Civilization
- Property
- Reformer
- Stories—
- Lord Byron
- Master Musician
- Dodging Death
- This is My Carrot
- Equality
- Work as a player
- To Vayu
- Love
- Rest
- Married life
- The Snares of 99
- Hoarding of Wealth
- Queries About God
- Never be disturbed
- Pranayama and Will Power
- Rama's Poems
About the Author: Described as “one of the greatest souls, not only of India, but of the whole world” by Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Rama Tirtha (1873-1906) was a living embodiment of the teachings of Vedanta. One of the greatest saints and philosophers of India, Rama Tirtha brought the message of yoga and Vedanta to Japan, Egypt, and the U.S. In the Woods of God Realization is a complete collection of his writings and lectures. In this seven volume work Rama Tirtha presents a practical and inspiring view of Vedanta and also discusses timely topics such as married life and realization, Christianity and Islam, war and peace, and patriotism.