Like Acupuncture or Acupressure, Reflexology is a science of stimulating specific points on the surface of the body (e.g., on soles), which have a correspondence or a link with the internal organs. However, unlike Acupuncture, no needles or special instruments are required. You need not go to a doctor. You can treat yourself in your own home, at any convenient time. Are you tired of medicines? Do you wish to treat minor ailments yourself? Do you lack drive and vitality? Do you feel tired all the time? Do you frequently take ill? Do you wish to retain youthfulness forever? Do you want to increase your sexual power? Then Turn To Reflexology: Safe: free from possibilities of side-effects; Amazingly effective; Simple-even a child can learn it; Inexpensive. The book gives laymen and professionals alike, a step by step guidance of pressure therapy to preserve health, alleviate pain and control/cure dise About the Author: Dr. Dhiren Gala is a registered medical doctor practicing holistic medicine, effectively combining the positive features of Homoeopathy, Acupressure/ Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Reiki Therapy, etc. He has worked as a lecturer in visual sciences at the prestigious College of Optometry, Municipal Eye Hospital, Mumbai. He has lectured on a variety of subjects (e.g., Eye-care, Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Homoeopathy, etc.) at seminars organized by various institutions all over the country. He has authored a number of health-related books, one of which is in your hands. The co-author of this book, Dr. Dhanlal Gala is a qualified Naturopathic physician. He has over thirty years’ experience in treating chronic diseases through non-medicinal measures such as dietary changes, exercise and yogasanas.