I: 1. Anti-aging herbal drugs of India and Ayurveda: task, approach and dimensions.
II: 1. Major anti-aging herbal drugs. 2. Enumeration of selected drugs (1–103). III: 1. Classical groups of drugs (promotive therapy). 2. Important anti-aging herbal drugs (1-168). 3. Some important formulations (pharmaceutics). 4. Allied (non-herbal) drugs. IV. Supplement: A: 1. Gerontology. 2. Stress: antistress-adaptogens. 3. Antioxidants: high content in herbs. 4. Drug research. B: 1. Understanding ageing. 2. Caring ageing. 3. Senility: life or health span.
Indices: 1. Index of drugs (Ayurvedic names). 2. Index of medicinal plants (botanical names).
From the prelude: "Universal call for healthy peoples by WHO (initiated as ‘Health for All by 2000 AD’) is giving attention for investigations in the field of anti-aging drugs. Modern scientific trends are covering this area of research in pharmacology and biological sciences that providing support to medical system for finding out remedies and way for retardation, prolongation and healthy life of human being. Indian medicine is rightly termed as science of life with two prime aims of prevention and curing of diseases. Ancient medical science has given vital value to geriatrics as one of the main branches of medical science. The concepts and many drugs described in indigenous medical system are promising and useful in this context. A review has been made with a view to provide feed-back to on-going scientific and pharmacological and biochemical studies, and for finally conducting clinical assessment of indigenous knowledge."