This materia medica of ancient India describes 990 medicinal plant products. It is a valuable contribution to the field of medicine. Materia medica literally means medical treatment, a branch of Ayurveda. Hindu materia medica fell into disuse with the wide popularity of European medicine in India. Chandra Chakraberty an authority of Ayurveda, and well-versed in European medical science undertakes a comparative study of Hindu medicine, and proves that various substances which are used in Hindu medicine have greater efficacy: and hence more medical valus in the treatment of diseases than Europoean medicine. A majority of the Indigenous drugs presecribed in Hindu medical works are excellent therapeutic agents, because a drug used in its native fresh state has more virtue than the European drug. In this well researched book the author provides arranged alphabettically, a list of drugs used in Hindu medicine and describes their medicinal value together with their European and Hindu names. The author has described more than 190 Genera and 800 Species. Needless to say, Chandra Chakrabery`s book will be of invaluable help to the Indian botanists, druggists, adn medical practitioners. Its reprint will therefore be a very welcome addition to the small number of Ayurveda books in English.