I. General section: 1. Introduction. 2. Historical review. II. Disease concept: 1. Ardita - meaning definition. 2. Different classifications. 3. Shareera Rachana. 4. Shareera Kriya. 5. Nidana. 6. Poorva Roopa. 7. Roopa (symptomatology). 8. Samprapti and Vikruthi Vignana. 9. Sapeksha Vyadhi Vinischyam. 10. Sadhya - Asadhyata. 11. Management and treatment: (a) Samanya Chikitsa. (b) Vishista Chikitsa.
12. Pathya and apathya. III. Drug aspect: 1. Criteria for selection of internal drug. 2. Criteria for selection of nasya karma. 3. Rasona - description and therapeutic values. 4. Navaneeta - description and therapeutic values. 5. Shad Bindu Taila - description and therapeutic values. 6. Combined effect. IV. Clinical study: 1. Prevalence: (a) Materials and methods. (b) Parameters.
2. Assessments of prakruti. 3. Investigations. 4. Results and findings. 5. Statements, diagrams, graphs and photographs. 6. Side effects. V. 1. Summary. 1. 2. Discussion. 2. 3. Conclusion. VI. Bibliography About the Author:
Dr.S.Suresh Babu, M.D.(Ayu.) is a well-Known Figure, who won many prizes at national level and awards at State Level. Recently he has been honoured with Best Teacher Award for the year 2002 by the Chief Minister of A.P at a Function held on 05-09-2002. He is a renowned writer and practitioner of Ayurveda. He has been teaching and writing for the cause of Ayurveda for more than two Decades. Owing to a rare combination of Innovation and sound practicality, he continues to be a much sought after Doctor, writer and Teacher in the Ayurvedic world. So far he has published about Ten books on various subjects of Ayurvadic Medicine.