The sole aim of the physician (Homeopath) is to cure the patient rapidly, gently, and permanently. To achieve this aim he must find out what is curable in the disease and what is curative in medicine. In a healthy man, the vital force keeps the entire organism in harmonious order. In a diseased man, this vital force is deranged and this derangement expresses itself by abnormal sensations and functions of the organism. These sensations, or disease signs, are called disease symptoms. For the physician, the disease means the totality of its symptoms. He needs only to take away this totality of symptoms to take away the entire disease. In simple words it means that in Homeopathy there is no disease name like Influenza or Typhoid, but a sum total of the symptoms of a disease, the name of the disease notwithstanding. This totality of symptoms is the only guide to the selection of a remedy which leads to rapid, gentle and permanent cure.
This book will prove a source of inspiration and be very helpful to the students, teachers of Homeopathy and practitioners for ready reference.