Ayurvedic yogas (medicinal preparations) rolled on from Vedic period to the modern times, have passed on from the hands of Charak, Sushruta, Bhagbhatta, Chakradduta, Bhavaprakash, Sarangdhar, Yadaviji, Bangasen and many others, but still persisting to remain untarnished. Surely this is the result of masterly formulations of the plant drugs. Along with the ancient manufactures, modern progressive Pharmaceutists are also doing valuable work, by bringing in new combinations with modern packing Alluring modern packing and new combinations are not only doing roaring business in India, but also flowing freely to the foreign countries to earn foreign exchange. But the country presently needs to cater to those who cannot afford to meet even a square meal a day. In this respect Grandmas receipes coupled with the modern high lighted plant drugs are required to be harnessed and put forth in a befitting manner to help those who cannot afford to hold on to costly preparations. With this view in mind, the present work has been compiled from various literature ancient and modern. This study has made it possible to collect near about five hundred yogas (preparations) embodying 200 plant species. This work will be of great help to the students, teachers, research workers and pharmaceutists of both Ayurveda as well as other pathys, working with plant medicine. Botanists, chemists, pharmacologist will get enough help by studying this work as well as connected references.