'Supreme Knowledge for everyone—everywhere' 'Maharishi Speaks to Students,' has been compiled as a reference text to compliment Maharishi Vedic University's 'Course for Students'. Contained in four volumes of twenty different themes, the main points of knowledge in each lecture bring out the most salient points of the course. These main points are from Maharishi's lectures to students around the world from 1970 to 1986. Here is the formula for students to gain mastery over Natural Law——'the ability to know anything, do anything, and accomplish anything and make their nation invincible' About the Author: His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is widely regarded as the foremost scientist in the field of consciousness, and is considered to be the greatest teacher in the world today. His Vedic Science and Technology, which unfolds the full potential of Natural Law in human consciousness as the basis of improving all areas of life, is regarded as the most effective programme of human resource development. His technique of Transcendental Meditation is the most widely practised and extensively researched programme of self-development in the world. More than 600 scientific research studies conducted during the past forty-four years at over 200 independent universities and research institutes in 28 countries have validated the profound benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme for the individual and for every area of society, including health, education, business, industry, rehabilitation, defense, agriculture, and government. Over four million people in all parts of the world and from all walks of life practise Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation. Maharishi has trained 40,000 teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Programme so far, and more are continuing to be trained. In addition, more than 100,000 people have learnt Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme and are daily practising 'Yogic Flying', an advanced programme of Transcendental Meditation that dramatically enhances all the benefits brought about by Transcendental Meditation for the individual, and creates a highly purifying influence in world consciousness. Maharishi has held hundreds of World Peace Assemblies on all continents during the past forty-four years, with many thousands of people coming together to create coherence in world consciousness through the group practise of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Programme. In 1986, on the basis of the rising Maharishi Effect--coherence in world consciousness resulting from his World Peace Assemblies--Maharishi inaugurated his programme to create world peace by establishing a permanent group of 7,000 Vedic Scientists in Maharishi Ved Vigyan Vishwa Vidya Peeth, Maharishi Nagar, India, to create coherence in collective consciousness on a permanent basis through the group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme. Maharishi has completely restored the thousands-of-years-old scattered Vedic Literature for the total significance of its theory and practice, and has organized it in the form of a complete science of consciousness. Transcendental Meditation is the subjective technology of Maharishi's Vedic Science of Consciousness. Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology is a complete science and technology of consciousness; it is the complete science and technology of life, capable of raising all aspects of life to perfection. The practicality of creating the supreme quality of life on earth--Heaven on Earth--through Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology has been amply verified during the past forty-four years by scientific research, which documents the benefits in every aspect of life--physiology, psychology, sociology, and ecology. It has also been substantially verified by personal experience, and by the authenticity of the ancient, traditional Vedic Literature. Maharishi's knowledge, Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology, Maharishi's eternal Constitution of the Universe, which is present everywhere, and Maharishi's s simple approach for everyone to enjoy life according to Natural Law are the foundation of Maharishi's global action to create Heaven on Earth and perpetuate it for all generations to come. His inspiration to make every country a 'Country of World Peace', and his invitation to every government to declare their country the 'Country of World Peace', lead to the inauguration, on 7 October 2000, of 'Maharishi Global Country of World Peace'. Maharishi in the world today is a cosmic figure caring for the well-being of all mankind and establishing a system to perpetuate life according to Natural Law, the cherished ideal of every government. One wonders whether there could be a greater ruling intelligence than the one that is available in the world today in the form of Maharishi who is making life on earth heavenly, and who is making Heaven on Earth a reality. Maharishi attributes his achievements to Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Maharaj, Jagatguru Bhagavan Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Badrikashram most illustrious embodiment of Vedic Wisdom in the eternal tradtion of Vedic Masters. During the past forty-four years the purity of world consciousness has been steadily rising; the light of pure knowledge has been steadily rising; life according to Natural Law has been steadily rising. It is satisfying that with the blossoming of Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Government, the world is witnessing the signs of a new awakening in every field in the direction of fulfilment. Now is the time for the world to witness the full glory of life according to Natural Law--to experience the full dignity of life in peace, prosperity, and happiness, with enlightenment and fulfilment in daily life. This is Maharishi in the world today, a quiet guardian of all nations. Through his brilliance in the field of knowledge and administration, every government now has the opportunity to actualize the supreme purpose of government. 'The goal is to establish a Vedic Capital of Global Administration through Natural Law, with the knowledge of Veda, total Natural Law, as the Constitution for two-hundred thousand Vedic Pandits to live their Vedic way of life and perform large Yagyas, Graha Shanti, and Samskaras, to create and maintain a strong, indomitable influence of coherence in world consciousness, so that peace and harmony prevail and the whole human race lives in perpetual peace in a problem-free world--perpetual peace on earth.'--Maharishi