The revised and enlarged 2nd edition of the book Panchakarma Therapy produced by the well known author Prof. R. H. Singh who has the long experience of teaching, Research and practice of Ayurvedic Medicine, is being presented for the first time in the form of a complete and update work on the subject. The book deals in details the Classical Concepts of Panchakarma Therapy in Ayurveda besides a detailed account of the traditional Keraliya Practices of Panchakarma. The book contains separate Chapters on Bio purificatory measures of allied disciplines such as Yogic Satkriya and Nature Cure therapies. The book also deals in a separate Chapter with essentials of conventional modern physical medicine and rehabilitation. The present edition of the book is highly enriched with additional Chapters on Panchakarma Sarira i.e. applied anatomy and physiology relevant to Panchakarma Therapy. For the first time a critical write up has been added in this book in a Chapter on Panchakarma Therapy for women, children and the elderly. This book has attained a significant scientific standard because of additional extended Chapters on Recent Advances in Panchakarma Therapy reviewing the recent researches in the relevant field and a write up on guidelines set by the author for Standardization and Clinical Research on Panchakarma. An added attraction to this edition is the extended glossary of technical words of Ayurveda and the update bibliography and word index besides the Sanskrit text reproduced on each page as foot notes. Thus, this is the best and the most complete book so for produced on Panchakarma Therapy written in English with update information and scientific temper. Table of Contents: - Foreword
- Preface
- General Introduction
- Panca Karma Sarira
- The Classical six-fold therapy of Sadupakramas
- The Classical Ayurvediya Panca Karma Therapy
- Purva Karma
- Pradhana Karma
- Vamana
- Virecana
- Basti
- Sirovirecana
- Rakta Moksana
- Pascata Karma
- Vahih Parimarjana Therapies of Ayurveda
- Keraliya Panca Karma
- Pancakarma Therapy in Women, Children and the Elderly
- Satkarmas of Hathayoga Tradition
- Nature Cure Practices
- Principles of Conventional Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Recent Advances in Panca Karma Therapy
- Guidelines of Standard Practice and Therapeutic Assessment of Panca Karma.