Pranayama is an exercise to rejurenate our body + mind = soul. This is a breathing exercise and teaches us the right procedure to inhale & exhale the air. Yoga is accepted world wide and is an ancient Indian Science. Yoga is to unite body with mind and then to soul, finally reaching to almighty. And Pranayama plays an important role in this journey. In this book I have included all types of Pranayama with their procedure, benefits and precautions. Besides this, the lucks, shatkarma, Surya namaskar, Mudras and some useful Yogasanas are also described for the benefit of readers. There are two separate chapters on Chakras too. About the Author: Rajeev Sharma is the Project Director with the South Asia Office of the International Federation of Building & Wood Workers (IFBWW), a Global Union Federation (GUF) that represents more than 10 millions workers in 124 countries around the world. He has been associated in various capacities with many organization such as VVG National Labour Institute, Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Groningen and University of Paris. He has earlier worked with the Institute for Human Development also and is closely associated with the activities. He has been engaged in research on issues related mainly to labour, child rights, gender and crime.