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Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Kundalini Tantra |
$34.49 $25.87 |
Kundalini Tantra is Swami Satyananda Saraswati's seminal work on kundalini, chakras and kriya yoga. Defining and explaining kundalini, this book provides a detailed account of kundalini awakening, including the signs and effects of such experiences and ways to both elicit and manage them. The book contains a comprehensive description of each chakra and the significance of the chakras in tantric and yogic practice. Techniques are given to balance each centre for greater harmony in mind, body and... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
Meditations from the Tantras |
$25.49 $19.12 |
Meditations from the Tantras is a clear and comprehensive book on meditation for beginners. The general aim is to show the possibilities open to the practitioner of meditation, the preparation that is necessary, as well as practical methods to attain meditative experiences. Featuring fundamental pratyahara (sensory withdrawal) practices such as Antar Mouna™ and introductions to other meditation techniques such as Yoga Nidra,™ ajapa japa, trataka, the kriyas and the different forms... |
Swami Sadhanananda Giri |
Kriya Yoga: Its Mystery and Performing Art |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Kriya Yoga – Its Mystery & Performing Art, written by Swami Sadhanananda Giri is described by many of its readers as the Kriyayoga Samhita or the Holy book of Kriyayoga. The luminous words of this inspiring & empowering title are pregnant with spiritual wisdom, which has changed the lives in hundreds of its readers exposing the proper practice of Kriya as originally taught by Yogiraj Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya. It is highly recommended as a follow-up of the classic –... |
Swami Satyananda Saraswati |
A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya |
$156.49 $117.37 |
This is the most comprehensive text ever published on yoga. It contains a complete course of 36 structured lessons on all the practices of integral yoga. The lessons were compiled from the teachings given by Swami Satyananda and are useful as a practical and theoretical guide to all levels of yoga teachers and aspirants. The book presents a synthesis of yoga in a scientific and systematic manner. The different branches of hatha yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga... |
Swami Satyasangananda |
Tattwa Shuddhi |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Tattwa shuddhi is an ancient tantric practice for purification of the elements, published for the first time in this comprehensive text. Every individual is comprised of five basic elements. Through the process of tattwa shuddhi, the purification and transformation of these elements takes place. This book contains the theory of tattwas and detailed instructions for the practice. Tattwa shuddhi uses the tantric tools of yantra, mantra and mandala. It can be performed as a sadhana in itself or as... |
Dr. Chatterjee |
Purana Purusha - Yogiraj Sri Shama Churn Lahiree: A Complete Biography |
$50.49 $37.87 |
This book is a remarkable blend of literature and philosophy based on the life of Yogiraj Sri Shama Churn Lahiree Mahasaya, Fountain-Head of Kriya yoga.The book is a biography based on the ideals of Yogiraj and tenets of Kriya yoga. The authenticity of this biography lies in the preface where Satyacharan Lahiri Mahasaya grandson of Yogiraj Shama Churn Lahiree Mahasaya, commands his disciples the author, Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee who was then an elevated Kriyaban having meticulously and... |
Marshall Govindan |
Babaji And The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition |
$37.99 $28.49 |
This is a rare account of Babaji, who has retained his youthful form since the third century A.D., and of the immortal masters of southern India, the Siddhas, who initiated him into Kriya Yoga, a scientific art for realizing God, Truth and Self. It relates the inspiring story of Babaji's birth, childhood, quest for self-realization, transformation and mission in assisting humanity's "supramental evolution". The psychophysiology of Kriya Yoga and guidelines for its practice are clearly... |
Swami Sivananda |
Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga |
$25.49 $19.12 |
The system called Tantra has been always regarded as an esoteric and a secret way of spiritual practice, not accessible to the untrained one and to the common folk. The secrecy about the practice seems to consist in the noble outlook of life which the Tantra requires the seeker to entertain, a way of looking at things different from the one in which people are generally accustomed to see, interpret and evaluate things. The philosophy of the Tantra is based on the concept of a dual nature of... |
Swami Satyeswarananda Vidyaratna Maharaj |
The Original Kriya |
$37.99 $28.49 |
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Mahamuni Babaji's The Origianl Kriya The revised and enlarged second edition of Kriya is published with a new title : The Original Kriya. The author hopes that the revised and enlarged edition will serve the seekers better.This is an encyclopedia of information on Kriya including: Information on the birthplace of present-day Kriya. The list of Kriyas originally taught by Babaji and Lahiri Mahasay, and their explanations. A list of early Kriya masters in Bengal. The list of early Kriya... |
Marshall Govindan |
Babaji's Kriya Hatha Yoga: 18 Asanas of Relaxation and Rejuvenation |
$62.99 $47.24 |
These 18 asanas were selected by Babaji from among the thousands which exist to form an efficient system for rejuvenating the physical body and preparing it for the more subtle phases of his Kriya Yoga. The immortal Himalayan master is living proof of their effectiveness. Each asana has several stages, making them suitable for the beginner and experienced student. The asanas are also arranged in pairs, or counterposes, facilitating the relaxation stage following each asana. This guide is... |
Babaji Nagaraj |
The Voice of Babaji: A Trilogy on Kriya Yoga |
$49.99 $37.49 |
The Voice of Babaji and Mysticism Unlocked", "Babaji`s Masterkey to All Ills (Kriya)", and "Babaji`s Death of Death (Kriya)", reprinted here, are profound “The Voice of Babaji” and important statements from one of the world`s Greatest living spiritual masters. The author, Satguru Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, predicted that they would eventually be a powerful source of inspiration and support for the Mission of Kriya Yoga: unity in diversity, world peace and... |
T.N. Ganapathy |
The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar (Volume 2) |
$62.49 $46.87 |
The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar Volume 2 by T.N. Ganapathy is the second in a series of publications produced by The Yoga Siddha Research Center sponsored by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas and the Yoga Research and Education Center. Boganathar was the Siddha guru of Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, the famed Himalayan master. This volume 2 takes us further into the little known world of the Siddhas, adepts of Yoga, who for millennia, have explored the furthest reaches of human potentiality and... |
T.N. Ganapathy |
The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar (Vol. 1) |
$43.99 $32.99 |
The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar" by T.N. Ganapathy, Ph. D., is the first in a series of publications produced by the Yoga Siddha Research Project sponsored by Babaji`s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas and Yoga Research and Education Center. Boganathar was the Siddha guru of Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, the famed Himalayan master, of whom much has been written. Boganathar lived an extremely long life through the use of alchemical rejuvenation formulae and special breathing techniques. He traveled all over... |
Swami Satyswarananda Vidyaratna Maharaj |
Lahiri Mahasay's Complete Works (Vol. 4): The Six Systems (Sara Darsan) |
$50.49 $37.87 |
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It is not commonly known that Lahiri Mahasaya wrote twenty six diaries consisting of his commentaries on the twenty six classical Indian scriptures, all with respect to Kriya Yoga. He gave these diaries to his chief disciple Panchanon Bhattacharya to publish. Hence, in 1888 these remarkable commentaries were published in Bengali, Lahiri Mahasay's native language. Later, these diaries were kept by Lahiri Mahasaya's grandson, Sri Satya Charan Lahiri. About the Author:Swami Satyeswarananda Giri... |
Marshall Govindan |
How I Became A Disciple Of Babaji |
$7.99 $5.99 |
The inspiring story of a young man's quest for God and Self realization through Babaji's Kriya Yoga. Marshall Govindan is the author of "Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition" and a long time disciple of Babaji, the immortal Himalayan Yogi. From early years of seaking, through ascetic trials in India and Sri Lanka, filled with adventure and difficulties, the author shares a rare story with unusual candor and courage. His inspiring story provides rare insights into a littlle... |
Marshall Govindan |
Kriya Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali And The Siddhas |
$24.99 $18.74 |
Patanjali refers to his yoga as "Kriya Yoga": the "yoga of action with awareness." His Yoga-Sutras are universally considered to be among the two or three most important texts in the field of yoga. Until now, commentators have treated it as a philosophical reference, and have largely ignored its implications for yogic practice. They have also ignored the fact that it is also an esoteric work, and that only initiates, with sufficient prior experience, can grasp its deeper... |
Swami Sadhanananda Giri |
Kriya Yoga: Its Mystery and Performing Art |
$43.99 $32.99 |
Temporarily Out of Stock |
Kriyayoga is not something strange or enigmatic, nor a figment of fancy. It is essentially an easy and simple method of performing art, firmly grounded on reality.This tome attempts to show the way how to make this moral sojourn meaningful, how to saturate this worldly life with the radiance of eternity. The Intensely secret, absolute and ultimate topic of Kriyayoga has probably never before appeared in print in such a simple and straight forward exposition. Almost all... |
Jyotii Subramanian |
One Master One Disciple: A Thrilling Spiritual Adventure |
$25.49 $19.12 |
A fun-loving child, Jyotii is a bright spark who absorbs deliberations on the Bhagavad Gita, recites mantras in Sanskrit, and performs yoga asanas with ease. Growing into a restless young woman, she tries her hand at just about everything from Crystals to Reiki to Magnified Healing to dancing around sacred fires in Shamanic rites. She's been there, done that. But, little does she know that a guided meditation technique which she is about to practice at a seminar, will show her a vision of the... |
Yogi Ashwini |
Sanatan Kriya: Essence of Yoga |
$25.49 $19.12 |
For the spiritual aspirant or the seeker, or for someone seriously interested in living a balanced and healthy life and experiencing the real bliss (ananda), this book is the undisputed ‘gyan’ in the purest sense. It is an attempt to explain the endless divinity in each speck of creation. It also takes us on a journey to experientially understand the power of ancient yogic practices.This book takes us back to the ancient practice of yog where transmission of knowledge is through... |
Swami Satyanananda Saraswati |
Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati Vols 5 |
$22.99 $17.24 |
This illuminating series of books contains the formal and informal talks of a world renowned master and authority on yoga. For those yogic aspirants and spiritual seekers who are unable to be in the presence of a great master to hear his teachings directly, these books are an incomparable gift of knowledge and inspiration. Each volume contains spiritual truths and practical guidelines conveyed simply and from the heart. Ideal for all levels of aspirants and seekers from beginners to advanced.... |
Swami Satyanananda Saraswati |
Teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati Vols 4 |
$14.49 $10.87 |
This illuminating series of books contains the formal and informal talks of a world renowned master and authority on yoga. For those yogic aspirants and spiritual seekers who are unable to be in the presence of a great master to hear his teachings directly, these books are an incomparable gift of knowledge and inspiration. Each volume contains spiritual truths and practical guidelines conveyed simply and from the heart. Ideal for all levels of aspirants and seekers from beginners to advanced.... |
Marshall Govindan |
The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas |
$22.49 $16.87 |
The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas is a unique spiritual resource giving insight into the original teachings of Jesus Christ, and also showing how Christ's words parallel the ancient yogic teachings of the Yoga Siddhas. The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas further reveals how to apply this wisdom to one's own life, emphasizing the importance of seeking not simply to know God, but rather to know God through higher states of consciousness. Chapters discuss modern historical research of... |
Roy Eugene Davis |
Seven Lessons in Conscious Living |
$12.99 $9.74 |
A Progressive Program of Higher Learning and Spiritual Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition. A practical book explaining mystical and hitherto tedious occultist terminologies in simple and easy to understand language. An effective guide for modern living that takes up wide ranging subjects from Yoga to Religion for personality development towards a vision of further human evolution. Opinions about the meaning of life and the purposes for our being in this world are of little value. If our... |
Acharya Bhagwan Dev |
Yoga for Better Health |
$6.49 $4.87 |
Table of Contents:
Yoga and Health
Human Body
Yogic Kriyas and Bandhas
Pranayaam, Meditations and Hasya Yoga
Yogic Therapy
Yoga fro Children & Ladies
Preparing Yogasana Schedule
Diet for Health.
S.N. Kandaswamy |
The Yoga Siddha Avvai |
$22.49 $16.87 |
Avvai is considered to be one of the most influential sages among the Tamil speaking people of south India. Her poems and literary works, dating from the first millennium of the modern era are recited by millions of Tamil speaking school children in south Asia to this day. The values and wisdom which her poems convey however, has a source. It is this source which the present volume, The Yoga of Siddha Avvai, sheds much new light upon with the inclusion of her text of Vinayakar Akaval. The... |