The book begins with an account of symptoms in general, or a description of the chief observations which indicate the existence and nature of diseases. These are classified according to the parts of the organism in which they are manifested. Thus all the symptoms manifested by the respiratory tract are taken together, whether indicating disease of that region or associated with disease of other organs. The principles upon which a diagnosis is made are next discussed, and author followed Susruta in making prognosis and subject of a separate division.
The main principles of treatment complete this general view of the subject. The account of the various diseases follows and occupies the greater part of the book. Each disease is first defined. Its causes, pathology, morbid anatomy, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment are described seriatim. The book introduced a short account of insanity under diseases of the brain, and a short abstract of toxicology among diseases of the stomach. A short account of the history of medicine and tables of Indian Materia Medica is also given in the book. This book will be useful for hakim’s vaidyas, scientists, ayurvedic medical practitioners, students and all those who are interested in the traditional system of medicine (Ayurveda).
About the Author:
Sh. Rustomjee Naserwanjee Khory was a Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London; Fellow and Licentiate in Medicine of the University of Bombay.