This book aims at helping an astrologer draw a balanced view of saadhe saati. It is very useful group research. The purpose of these papers is to help readers draw their own conclusions on the basis of the intimate studies presented by students from the horoscopes of people known to then whom they have watched over a period of time. Some parameters have been evolved to examine the results of saadhe saati which are: Examine first the promised results of the maha antar and pratyantara dashas and then see the results of saadhe saati. Examine the transit of Saturn on Sarvastakavarga which is abbreviated as SAV. When can saadhe saati be said to have begun ? If a person has his Moon at one degree in Mesha, a second person at 11 degrees in Mesha and a third one at twenty eight degrees in Mesha can it be said that all will have their saadhe saati at the same time? About the Author: From relative obscurity in 1990, K.N. Rao has become one of the leading Jyotish astrologers. He is the retired Director General of the Indian office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, with a life-long interest in astrology, which he learned from his mother. He calls astrology the super-science of the new age. He directs The Astrology School at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi. He is a prolific writer. He believes deeply in research that brings solid results. He is unafraid of redefining ancient Vedic scriptures for modern times. He eagerly seeks out obscure techniques, and, once he has tested them to his satisfaction, adds them to his ever-growing rapture. He is challenging & surprising. He is also cranky & apt to tell a fool what he really thinks of him (and in print, to boot), a fault which I think we should forgive.