A Text Book of Rasashastra" Written by Dr. Vilas Dole and Dr. Prakash Paranjpe is a unique textbook in English on the subject. Incorporation of various tables, flow-charts, line-drawings and coloured photographs have enriched the book in its substance. Humble efforts of the authors to integrate Ayurvedic philosophy with modern postulates and parameters add to the value of this book. This book will be of a great help not only to the second year students of Ayurveda, but also to researchers, teachers, scientists and people interested in Ayurveda allover the world. Table of Contents: - Introduction to Rasashastra
- Terminology
- Science of Appliances
- The Crucibles
- Fireplace and ancient pyrometry
- Mercury
- Production of Mercury
- The eight staged purification of Mercury
- Parada: Gati and Banda
- Few Mercurial formulations
- Classification of substances and few general procedures
- Maharasa
- Uparasa
- Sadharana rasa
- Metals
- Gemstones and semi-precious stones
- Calcium compounds
- Poisons & semipoisons
- The drugs & cosmetics act, 1940.
About the Author Dr. Vilas Dole obtained the degree of B.A.M. & S in 969 from Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Pune, affiliated to Pune University. The post graduate degree of M.D. in Rasashastra was also obtained from the same institute. Dr.Dole is head of department of Rasashastra as well as joint director of centre for post graduate studies & research in ayurveda in Tilak Mahavidyalaya. Dr. Paranjpe is founder member and director of ayurveda research foundation Pune India. He is also director of S.K.A. Ayurveda.