The timings of events fulfils an important need of Vedic Astrology. Predictive astrology aims at identifying the specific period for the occurence of a specific event. Several principles on this subjec have been indicated in classical texts. Many of them are not available to a large number of modern students. The present study on the subject by Bepin Behari gives various principles on the subject in a very lucid and readable manner. It discussed Dasa system, transits of planets, Astakavarga, Annual Horoscopy and the principles laid downin Tajaka Nilkanthi. It is down in Tajaka Nilkanthi. It is expected that the students and practitioners of Vedic Astrology will find the book immensely helpful. Predictive astrology aims at identifying the specific period for the occurrence of a specific event. Several principles on this subject have been indicated in classical texts. Many of them are not available to a large number of modern students. It discusses Dasa system, Transits of planets, Astakavarga, Annual Horoscopy and the principles laid down in Tajaka Nilkanthi. It is expected that the students and practitioners of Vedic Astrology will find the book immensely helpful. Study on the subject of Vedic Astrology. Various principles on the subject given in a very lucid and readable manner. Dasa system, Transits of planets, Astakavarga, Annual Horoscopy, and Tajaka Nilkanthi among studies discussed. About the Author: Bepin Behari, an Economist by profession, alma mater of Patna and London Universities, retired from the Government of India service as diplomat. He has studied Vedic Astrology for the last fifty years, has published more than a dozen books on astrology and has lectured in several European and American countries. His articles have been published in English, Dutch and Spanish languages in several nternational astrological journals.