It is an improvement of the first edition where various information have been added for the reader viz. Common Name, Family Name and prover has been added. Under each medicine its therapeutics has also been added. Pharmaceutical Information is also added About the Author:
Dr. S. K. Chakraborty, born on the 31st October, 1942, did his B.Sc. (Engg.) Civil, from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi in 1963. Obtained M.E. (Soils) from Roorkee University in 1965. Joined as a lecturer in Civil Engineering in 1965 at BIT, Mesra, Ranchi. Since 1965 he had been teaching undergraduates and Post-graduates at BIT, Ranchi upto 1973. Obtained Ph.D. (Engg.) in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering in 1971 from BIT, Mesra, Ranchi (under Ranchi University). Joined TTTI, Calcutta in 1973 as Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering attached to Curriculum Development Centre. Sent to England at Garnett College of Education by MHRD, New Delhi, for the advancement of Technical Education in 1979 for a period of 6 months. Offered prestigious Fulbright Scholarship in Curriculum Development for Technical and Vocational Education in USA in 1990 under Indo-American Exchange of Scholarship Programmes. Dr. Chakraborty toured widely as a visitor to USA, UK, Germany, Holland, France, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Singapore and Bhutan. He also worked as an U. N. D. P. expert for Development of Curriculum at Royal Bhuttan Polytechnic in 1996, for a period of 40 days. During the period from 1965 to 2004 he committed himself for the development of technical education while teaching, guiding research and research projects, and publishing more than 50 research papers in technical subjects as well as in Technical Education in National and International Conferences, Symposia, Seminars and Journals. So far, he worked as a coordinator for conducting more than 250 workshops in planning, preparing and development of curriculum for conventional and new technological disciplines at TTTI, Calcutta and at Eastern Regional Polytechnics since 1973, covering multi-dimensional interests in variety of subject matters. His real interest of subject matters currently centred around various important issues of technical education, research, psychology of learning and instruction, and also working as a consultant in curriculum development as well as in Foundation Engineering since 1975. In March, 2004 Dr. Chakraborty became Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, Kolkata.