Ayurveda, is renowned therapy and is accepted worldwide. It is age old science. Ayurveda is based on vata-pitta-kuf theory and it is a safe therapy. Ayurveda therapy is capable of curing hundreds of disorders-from common from head to toe and can be treated at home under some guidance. Diseases of males-females and children too are included for the benefit of readers. This is a family guide and is very helpful for all.
About the Author:
Dr. Rajeev Sharma is an eminent consultant of Homoeopathy, Yoga, Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine in India. He has written more than two hundred twenty five books (225) in Hindi and English and around one thousand articles which have been published in various newspapers and magazines. He is also an Editorial Board Member of the prestigious Asian Homoeopathic Journal besides many other newspapers and magazines.
Dr. Rajeev Sharma is also a social activist. He has worked a lot against Addiction and Prevention of AIDS. He has worked for population and pollution control and human rights and has received the World Human Rights Promotion Award. He has received several prizes for his outstanding achievements. He has been awarded the Best Author Prize in Hindi by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.