Swami Rama was the first Himalayan yogi to demonstrate to the Western scientific community the astonishing level of self-mastery achieved by Indian adepts. In the Royal Path he introduces us to the ancient yogic techniques as they are practiced by those who attain the highest goal of life.
In this step-by-step program, Swami Rama outlines the basic physical exercises, mental disciplines, and ethical commitments of Raja Yoga, the Royal Path to self-transformation and enlightenment. The Royal Path is an enduring classic, one of the clearest and most inspiring introductions to yoga science available in English. Whether our goal is improved health, emotional balance, enhanced creativity, or spiritual exploration, the practices Swami Rama describes here hold the key.
Table of Contents:
- What Is Yoga?
- Yama and Niyama
- Asanas and Their Therapeutic Value
- Pranayama
- A Few Glimpses of Concentration
- Mind and Its Analysis
- What Is Meditation?
- Samadhi
- Glossary
- Recommendations for Further Study.
About the Author:
Swami Rama founded the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust in India, and many centers throughout the world. A student of both Himalayan cave monasteries and European universities, he founded the Himalayan Institute to create a bridge between the ancient teachings of the East and modern scientific approaches of the West.