Althought the innate urge to know God is present in everyone, few people know how to actually experience the reality of God Every soul, as an individualized unit of pure consciousness, is living in God now. This truth (fact) only has to be acknowledged and realized.
When we know God as God is, our awareness is no longer ordinary (fragmented and blurred by mental andemotional confusion and subconscious influences); it is illuminated (clarified).
A compelling urge from the deepest level of our being makes us yearn to have our awareness restored to its original, pure state and we cannot be completely satisfied until this is accomplished.
About the Author:
Roy Eugene Davis was born in 1931 in Leavittsburg, Ohio, approximately 40 miles south of Cleveland, and grew up in a farming community. In his early teenage years he frequented the public library, reading books on psychology, philosophy, and yoga. When he was 18 years of age, he read Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi and immediately sensed a spiritual connection with Yogananda and the kriya yoga tradition. In December 1949, he traveled to Los Angeles, California, to meet with his guru (teacher) and was accepted for monastic discipleship training.
Mr. Davis was ordained by his guru in 1951 and was appointed as the minister of the Phoenix, Arizona, Self-Realization Fellowship Center in March 1952, shortly after Yogananda's passing. In late 1953, aware of a need to learn to live effectively in the secular world, he withdrew from the organization--but not from his relationship with the kriya yoga tradition or his commitment to serve. After 2 years in the U.S. Army Medical Corps at Fort Riley, Kansas, he began his mission as an independent teacher, traveling throughout America to lecture and present classes in dozens of cities.
In 1964 he lectured to large audiences in 8 cities in Japan under the auspices of the Seicho-No-Ie movement founded there by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi. Another lecture tour was sponsored in Japan Seicho-No-Ie in 1978, and a few years later in Brazil. Through the years Mr. Davis has been a frequent guest speaker at Unity and Religious Science churches in the United States and Canada, and at holistic conferences and yoga gatherings. Other overseas tours have been to Ghana, Nigeria, Curacao, England, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, and India. Mr. Davis presents the major classes at Lakemont during scheduled retreats and continues to annually visit a dozen or more U.S. cities and one or two other countries.
Some of his books are published in 8 languages, with more than 40 different editions in print in the U.S. and several countries. He is also the publisher of Truth Journal magazine and writes monthly lessons for CSA members around the world.
Mr. Davis moved to Lakemont, in Northeast Georgia, in 1972 to establish Center for Spiritual Awareness as a permanent base for his ministry. The work has continued to grow and flourish as increasing numbers of truth seekers are attracted to it and derive benefit from their participation.