'Yogic Techniques' deals with both Patanjala Yoga as well as Hathayogic practices. Discussion on the historical perspective of Yoga as an ancient science of self-evolution as well as a system of keeping good overall health proves its practical utility. It provides an in-depth study of the subject though in much a simplified and abridged manner. Techniques of the practices of Hathayoga namely, Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas, Bandha-Mudras inclusive of Nadanusandhana are given which provide much needed guidance for a student of Yoga. Additionally, indications and contra-indications of Yogic practices have been extensively discussed.
About the Author:
Dr. Manohar L. Gharote 21/05/1931 - 17/01/2005: MA, M. Ed, (Phy.), Ph.D. (Anthrop.) Ph.D. (Alt. Med.), D. Litt., D.Y.P., the Founder-Director of the Lonavla Yoga Institute (India) was a direct disciple of Swami Kuvalayananda. After demise of Swami Kuvalayananda, he continued to work in Kaivalyadhama in various capacities as Asstt. Director of Scientific Research, Deputy Director of Philosophico-Literary Research and Principal of G.S. College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis for 30 years. He worked for more than forty long years in collecting materials on the Encyclopaedia of Traditional Asanas. This was originally a dream of Swami Kuvalayananda, which as a true disciple, Dr. M.L. Gharote fulfilled.