The search of truth alone provides a ray of hope for the individual and for humanity as a whole. We have done so much research on matter , mind , and energy, yet we have not discovered the ways and methods of attaining happiness and loving others selflessly. This book gives a glimpse and creates a provocative atmosphere for the intelligent and learned so that they will begin studying their inclination to follow a particular path, and so that they don' t waste time and erergy in the prevailing confusion of our times, but choose a definite path for themselves. With these views in mind and to serve the needs of the aspirants and free-thinkers, I present this book.
About the Author:
Yogi, scientist, philosopher, humanitarian, and mystic poet, Swami Rama is the founder and spiritual head of the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga science and philosophy, with its headquarters in honesdale, Pennsylvania, and therapy and educational centers throughout the world. He was born in a Himalayan valley of Uttar Pradesh. India, in 1925 and was initiated and anointed in early childhood by a great sage of the Himalayas. He studied with many adepts, and then traveled to Tibet to study with his grandmaster. From 1949 to 1952 he held the prestige and dignity of Shankaracharya (spiritual leader) in Karvirpitham in the South of India. He then returned to the Himalayas to intensify his meditative practices in the cave monasteries and to establish an ashram in Rishikesh. Later he continued his investigation of Western psychology and philosophy at several European universities, and he taught in Japan before coming to the United States in 1969. The following year he served as a consultant to the Voluntary Controls project of the Research Development of the Menninger foundation. There he demonstrated, under laboratory conditions, precise control over his autonomic nervous system and brain. The findings of that research increased the scientific community's understanding of the human ability to control autonomic functioning and to attain previously unrecognized levels of consciousness. Shortly thereafter, Swami Rama founded the Himalayan Institute as a means to synthesize the ancient teaching of the East with the modern approaches of the West. He has played a major role in bringing the insights of yoga psychology and philosophy to the attention to the physicians and psychologists of the West. He continues to teach students around the world while intensifying his writing and meditative practices. He is the author of many books and currently spends most of his time in the mountains of Northern India and in Pennsylvania. U.S.A.